More to come soon.
WATCH: March 2015 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of March 2015, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| March 1, 2015
WATCH: 2015 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of April 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| December 16, 2014
November 2014 Horoscopes

| October 29, 2014
WATCH: October 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of October 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| September 18, 2014
August 2014 Horoscopes
Monthly Horoscopes for August 2014

| July 19, 2014
WATCH: April 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of April 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| March 16, 2014
WATCH: March 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of March 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| February 14, 2014
Mercury Retrograde 2014
Find out when Mercury goes Retrograde in 2014, and what it might be mean for you, and the world in which you live. Check out our countdown timer.

| January 3, 2014
WATCH: Astrology And Christianity
Are Astrology And Christianity Compatible? #Dianaquestion

| February 25, 2014
WATCH: Indigo Children
Do kids born with the current configuration of Neptune and Uranus have the features of "Indigo Children"? #DianaQuestions

| February 25, 2014
WATCH: No Retrogrades?
What If You Have No Retrograde Planets In Your Natal Chart? Today's #DianaQuestons

| February 21, 2014
WATCH: New Moon Chart 2014
The new Moon chart is taken based on the first new moon of the year. Find out what it means, and what it means this year.

| February 12, 2014
WATCH: My ET Encounter
This is the story of the time I met an ET, which many people requested to hear since I mentioned it at the end of a previous video.

| February 10, 2014