Aries Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Aries Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st finances, goods, property or anything which affects your material security or physical wellbeing is likely to have your attention. So key themes are centred around ‘stuff’ – yours (or theirs), and perhaps protecting it, moving it, ditching it or acquiring more. Also seeing how to improve things on a practical, physical, material level which may improve wellbeing – yours or another’s.
Mercury is in a very outgoing, chatty area of your Solar chart but it’s also to do with education, exchanging information, media etc. Increased interchanges through speaking and writing are more likely, and possibly more paper-work. Overall, it tends to be a great time for making connections, learning and sharing new stuff, in person or over the wires.
Mercury goes retrograde from the 19thslowing things down but giving you- or others the chance to think things through better.
Until the 8th Venus will be in a very sociable sector of your solar chart. She can help you to be articulate in your expression and tends to deliver environments or daily encounters which are more appealing or entertaining, even exotic. Some of you could be in exchanges with others who appreciate your self-expression or there may be more interesting daily encounters or more access to the arts. Media is favoured as is anything artistic. This transit could bring warm, supportive relations with siblings or soul brothers and sisters. You also can do better when buying/selling/promoting etc and if you want to settle a feud or negotiate for something, then you can be very persuasive.
Until the 12th Mars is demanding you put more effort and decisiveness into getting organized in a physical or security-orientated sense. The piggy-bank, possessions or any other bit of territory may need a more motivated and decisive approach. And that may mean a more dynamic application of talents and skills. You could be striving to get your hands on certain things, but watch your step related to basic material security, money, property or possessions. Mars can be demanding, impulsive or too hasty at times, so try to take your time when making important decisions. Your physical strength may be stretched or there may be tensions as you try to work through what needs to be done in a physical/material/financial sense. You may be more actively engaged in diet or health matters – your own or someone else’s.
From the 12th Mars is in a transit of your Solar communications sector accelerating mental processes and firing up the way you express yourself. Educational pursuits, speaking, writing or socializing can be demanding or competitive at times and you express ideas and opinions with greater force and dynamism which may take others aback. Comings and goings may increase or you find yourself more in the stream of information exchange and this would be a good time to float a new concept or body of work. However, there may be tensions and you can feel overloaded with too much information coming at you or demanded from you. Sometimes, it could feel that certain others are too impatient or over-assertive but, your own reactions may be too defensive. It’s better to be measured and decisive in what you say, keeping lines of communication open rather than wasting energy wondering about someone’s deeper motives.
In general, there may be more correspondence or other types of paperwork than usual and flying hither and thither for business or personal reasons. Overall, you should start to feel more confident about making decisions or defining certain objectives more clearly. You can be proactive and successful with media, promotions, negotiations or simply speaking up for yourself in a more assertive way.
From the 8th Venus beams a friendly, sociable light into the root of your chart. This can manifest in various ways. Overall, it encourages a more harmonious time at home and you welcome others into your space or are more the visitor to others. Or, it could be a venue where you all meet up. It could be a good time to appreciate family or tribal connections, or maybe you like where you are located.
From the 21st the Sun is in a sociable, busy area and you could be meeting and greeting or connecting over the wires, corresponding, maybe sharing what you know, and probably running around more. It’s a time when you have more on your mind and maybe more to get your head around. Education or travel is also highlighted and there may be plans, schedules or itineraries to consider.
Jupiter, planet of potential abundance and expansion will very positively influence your Sun sign until next August. This is a time when you may be appreciated more for yourself in a playful or romantic sense. At times it will encourage a more spontaneous, even self-indulgent, energy. There may be admiring glances coming your way and you may be in the mood to take a risk or a gamble. You may grow through access to creative activities where you can feel empowered and shine in your own unique way. Children, animals and leisure or entertainment activities will be emphasized.
Ariens born 1st-6th April or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this month.
Until June 2015, Saturn is in a supportive aspect with your sign. There may be some deep insights about beliefs or fields of interest mental and physical which will teach you a great deal. You will be seeing the reality, warts and all, of something you idealized. Taking more seriously wider communications, literature, higher education, legal matters or long distance connections. Developing a new understanding will be gradual like chipping a shape out of stone. So be steady and patient. You may become more respected for your knowledge or style of communicating, but also appreciate and even wish to emulate others for this.
Ariens born on the 21st-25th March or with 0-4 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Uranus: Ariens born 7th-10th April or with 17-20 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Pluto: Ariens born 4h-7th April or with 14-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
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What today looks like:
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl,'s new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.