Capricorn Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Capricorn Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st there’s a brighter, less inward, vibration around. So that could manifest as more opportunities to be in environments with scope for play and enjoyment. Or to be more involved with those out to have a good time whether as a participant or a facilitator. More emphasis is given to children, youngsters or romantic partners for some, and for others, there could be more socializing and maybe more contact with arts/entertainments or the leisure industry. You are more likely to feel the light of appreciation from others or be participating in activities you find fun or personally empowering.
Mercury is focusing your mind upon the practical aspects of life. Thoughts could revolve around, repairs, maintenance, or health – yours or another’s. Thinking about the mechanics of how something works will definitely be a keynote. Also you could be learning useful new skills or blowing the dust off those you already have – either out of choice or necessity. Practical advice will be of service.
Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks from the 19th. You can use this slower-moving energy to deal with the details and revise, re-organize or just get your head around how to set about getting things running the way you prefer.
Until the 8th Venus is in a more practical mood, favourably highlighting teamwork regarding daily chores, health matters or running repairs. Others will probably be in a co-operative frame of mind assisting with your requirements. You are more likely to have reasonable interaction with health-providers, co-workers and anyone providing assistance and so if there has been an ongoing problem chances are you will find someone to help with recovery or repair and, even if the problem is not resolved, the interaction will tend to be pleasant.
Until the 12th Mars is in a more spontaneous, and for some, romantic area, giving you the trigger to be more in the mood to take a chance on love or to speculate in other ways. Mars tends to be hasty, so it’s best to sleep on something before making major decisions and don’t risk what you can’t afford to lose. There could be occasions when you feel at the centre of attention or more physically in demand. Your creative energy, or competitiveness will tend to come to the fore. Whatever is going on, you could feel more in your power, more in touch with your ‘child within’ but equally, you could be busier because of children or younger ones in your life. Overall this is the time to get active with projects you enjoy and which are rewarding and empowering. Great for the entrepreneurs and ‘creatives’ amongst you, and you may be
more in the mood to invest time and resources on an outside chance.
From the 12th Mars is in a sector which emphasizes the practical side of any bright ideas. Considering how to manage, operate or fix – very practical and usually hands on also related to health and fitness. You may be more involved with skilled people, health providers tools or technology. So daily duties and methodologies are highlighted and you might have to get your head around the mechanical details. You can get a lot done if you keep up with daily duties, health matters – yours or another’s – and running repairs. Collaborations can be productive and achieve success but a co-worker or helper may try your patience. Still, it may be a small price to pay if you get your act together in the process.
From the 8th Venus is strong in her favourite place and affairs of the heart are favoured. But you and someone could be feeling a closer rapport, no matter whether it’s a personal or professional association. A special someone could come into your life but all relationships, personal, or professional tend to flow more easily. You and another could be enjoying eachother’s company or simply lending eachother a hand.
From the 21st you may be dealing with more chores or niggly details, or, this may be the moment to get to grips with health issues (yours or another’s) or a better diet and exercise regime. You may also be putting more effort into maintenance, repairs, or applying skills. So, dealing with the ‘to do’ list and getting things organized better seems advisable, but there will be smiles along the way.
The position of Saturn marks a time of preparation for when it enters your sign in 2017. This is the time to tie up the loose ends from the past, face up to behaviours which are counterproductive and move on. You may doing more inner work or beavering away behind the scenes on something. You may be called upon to support or provide a service to others more often, who in some cases, will not grasp just how much you are doing on their behalf or perhaps not realize how much you are dealing with on a personal level. Capricorns born 22nd 26th December or with 0-4 degree rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Jupiter has begun his new cycle and will be putting a beneficial emphasis onto your joint financial area. Materially, your life could grow and expand through the contribution of key associations or a partnership. So this can mean more money, possessions or improved physical conditions made available to you, or that you find it easier to access them through a key relationship.
It may be a different financial strategy or set-up becomes a useful resource and it may be some kind of moral debt settled or financial debt is repaid.
Capricorns born 2nd-7th January or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Uranus: Capricorns born 7th-10th January or with 17-20 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Pluto: Capricorns born 4th-7th January or with 14-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
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What today looks like:
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl,'s new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.