“ When the sun is in Libra, then that means the Sun’s energy is coming through the element of air. Libra’s ruling planet is Venus, the planet of beauty and the arts.
So therefore Libra is very connected aesthetically in some way or another. There’s an appreciation of beauty, symmetry, balance, and colour with Libra.
Libra needs to feel as though their appearance is attractive in some way, or that they at least have a certain charm and style about them. They are slowly developing this throughout their lives. And there is a certain gracefulness and a certain – I wouldn’t say it’s a charisma – but attractiveness in a light sort of way with Libra.
The Libran Sun person needs to feel fair. They need to feel as if justice is being done. It’s the sign of the balance, the scales of justice. They need to feel that there’s equality. Often Librans are connected to the law because of this need to feel that justice and fair play is being done.
The down-side of Libra is that it can be too indecisive and that they can’t make up their mind; they’re sitting there on the fence because they can see both sides of an argument, or both points of view. They’re very good at mediation, but they can get stuck as the ‘piggy-in-the-middle’, which is not a very comfortable place to be.
Relationships are really at the top of the list for Librans. They feel as though they need to team up and be with a significant other or another in business because they don’t feel as though they are complete until they have an other in their lives.
They somehow or other learn about themselves through being reflected by the reaction of or through the eyes of the other.
They can be very, very good companions, friends, spouses, partners. They are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty. Their colours tend to go into the area of magenta and pink because, even though others may say that the colours are in the blue area, I would say it goes more into the pink areas – Librans tend to like the colour pink and tend to rule and gravitate toward all “beautiful” colours.
The part of the body Libra rules are the kidneys. They have to be extra careful that their kidneys aren’t getting sluggish, getting cystitis or urniary-tract problems. Drink lots of water – lots of good water -and also take a kidney tonic sometimes. ”
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