Leo Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Leo Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st the Solar energy theme means you will be taking your targets or overall direction more seriously or be more aware of how you present yourself and the impression you are making on others, or how something is representing you. Traditions or social conventions may have more of your attention.
You may have to be more aware of the rules imposed by officials, parents, bureaucracy and anyone to whom you have responsibilities. The overall idea is to project an appropriate image and be consistent and responsible as you go forwards.
This is period in which to discuss, consider, and generally chew the fat in the company of others. Others could find you articulate and your ideas interesting and you feel in an experimental mood as you explore different concepts or avenues of expression. You could be surprised at their differentness or unusual take on things. Equally they could experience you as unfamiliar or unconventional.
Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks from the 19th. A good time to separate the wheat from the chaff within a group of associates or friends as you may need a good buddy or useful contact onside to facilitate your progress.
Until the 8th Venus warms friendships and new associations. You tend to feel supported as you move forwards with something you have hoped for, maybe for a long time. Fresh associations, networking, group gatherings or team efforts benefit from Venus’s sociable, helpful mood. Pooling forces and resources may be interesting, materially beneficial and, in general facilitate positive experiences.
Until the 12th the Mars transit indicates a period for putting physical effort into achieving certain goals and ambitions. These may be career orientated or ‘via’ points on the way to where you hope to end up. Overall, this transit of Mars could inspire you to take more responsibility about your direction in life and you care more about the impressions you make on certain others. Over this transit you feel the need to work on image or reputation and reach standards which are demanded by those in authority, and, if you are decisive and energetic, Mars will help you get to where you want to go as long as his tendency to be controversial is handled. You may get frustrated with the powers that be as you feel they are slow, aggressive, inefficient or downright un-co-operative. If you manage to keep your cool and not be too hasty, you will make progress with the master-plan, but also with lesser goals and ambitions too.
From the 12th Mars is transiting a very future-orientated and sociable area of your Solar chart. You will tend to be the initiator with projects or you have a lot on your plate because of a group with interests or aims in common. Mars can be a bit pushy, so, on the flip side, there may be tensions between you and a friend or associate. Due to certain others, life becomes more demanding or annoying and you may have to be on the ball, competitive and decisive. Just avoid being hasty and don’t allow others to tire you out or push you into something you don’t want. This is a more progressive phase when things which have been shelved, sometimes for a long time, can start to move forwards again. Can be technology orientated so things like the internet and the paraphernalia that goes with it could be emphasized.
Time to get the ball rolling?
From the 8th Venus is transiting a more background area of your Solar chart and you’ll tend to keep your feelings to yourself and may be pondering a relationship or feeling uncertain about the finances or a property. You could be mulling over the past and finding emotions getting in the way of the present. Others can be oblivious to what’s going on for you so take a step back, touch base and, with Venus’s knack of finding the balance, you can gently iron out any inner turbulence. A good idea would be to immerse yourself in nurturing pursuits which feed your soul.
From the 21st the Solar energy makes it a forward-moving phase when friendships, associations or more involvement within a community or a group of kindred spirits could be a key feature. A future-orientated phase when you may be working to realize an idea or ideal which has been on the backburner for a long time. Networking, group connections and technology may also be emphasized.
Saturn, is in a very positive angle to your Sun sign until June. It can mean ultimate success if you take the long view and pay more focused, nurturing attention to creative or investment projects, also regarding the affairs of children/young ones, or a romantic relationship then you are on the road to building a solid and robust structure which stands the test of time. Equally, any leisure or creative activities may be harder to organize or you will have less time for them. A more disciplined, patient approach will help them bear fruit. It may also mean that, because of one (or more) of these examples you feel held back or limited in your freedom to frolic so you will need to proceed in a more structured or organized fashion. Leos born in 23rd-27th July or with 0-4 degree rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
With Jupiter in your sign it’s time for a real growth spurt in your life as things could be taking off in (several) new directions and it will be up to you to grab what feels right to you. You will discover much through those from different backgrounds or belief systems, about their ways of seeing things, so, quite a learning curve! More travel, foreign cultures or higher education could be part of the picture. Just try to avoid trusting to luck or overlooking important details and expanding too far too fast. This is your opportunity to think bigger and reach for the golden ring on the merry-go-round of life.
Leos born 4th-9th August or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl, DianaGarland.com's new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.