Libra Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Libra Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st is a gear-shifting phase, but you‘ll probably be feeling your way forwards as you intuitively sound things out. This the moment for letting go of some ballast whether that means a Spring Clean and general declutter. Or it could mean a more radical change in your routines.
All month, Mercury is expanding your mind and you should be entertaining options outside of the box. Discussions and or paperwork could be related to travel, higher learning or another type of unfamiliar environment. You’ll tend to be thinking bigger and becoming more aware of fresh potential, or a distant horizon. A plan may be forming in your mind. This could be a good time to refresh your mental palette and think in bright new colours. Maybe there is a breath of fresh air from further afield or guidance from those with specialist knowledge or just someone with a refreshing slant on things. Mercury enjoys this communicative sector which also emphasizes higher learning, publications and the legal side of things. Another way this transit might work is you take the opportunity to beat the drum about something, get the word out, be the guide or the guided, the informer or the informed.
Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks from the 19th onwards. This is the moment to get to grips of the minutiae of the big picture. Or to zoom into the street plan of a large town so as to figure out the details of the pattern. The result is you are better informed and prepared for to push through with plans at the end of the transit.
Until the 8th Venus supports relationships with those far away, or from a different background. Travel with a partner is possible. You are more likely to connect with knowledge or expertise which balances your perspective and helps you get the bigger picture. You yourself may be valued or admired for your knowledge, know-how or guidance and this may be a good time for putting the word out on to a wider stage. Publications or education could be emphasized or benefit you materially. You and someone may be on a bit of a learning curve together. A teacher or someone who is an expert in their field of could be helpful, possibly expensive, but, through their contribution, ultimately you get a better deal.
Since April and until the 12th Mars is in a more introspective sector of your solar chart but which also may trigger clearing the decks for new beginnings. So one manifestation may be a letting go or clearing out. Whether it’s a re-think, a detox or a Spring Clean, this Mars position means coming up against some resistance or pre-existing conditions which provoke an inner shift in perspective and then an outer change. You could be intensely aware of the sensibilities, rules or set-up of others and you may have to bite your tongue at times. Debts due or owed (moral or otherwise) may need a more decisive approach or maybe someone is being more assertive – even coercive – towards you. You’ll probably have to feel your way rather than ´think´ your way, and even though you are sensitive to another’s feelings or perspective, you’ll also want to stick up for yourself , and be true to your own value structure and inner nature. You are looking for a win/win solution but listening with your inner ear and although you’ll tend not to want to put all your cards on the table with some people, you’ll may feel an inner push to take the initiative to improve things – but in a confidential way.
From the 12th Mars is in a more outgoing, expansive area of your solar chart. This means you leave behind the time of inner turbulence and begin to step into the light of mental and emotional clarity.
At key points over this transit you should in some way be reaching out for new horizons and fresh experiences. So this may be the right moment to launch a new scheme or enterprise or to go on a journey of discovery.
You will be physically active in learning through doing, but also grasping certain things you didn’t have a clue about before. Some of you may be getting out and about more and this is a good time to shake out the cobwebs. Travel, connecting with foreign lands, giving or taking a course would be a good idea. Your physical energy may be needed as you push the envelope of daily life and get right outside of the routine box by stretching yourself mentally or physically.
New potentials are in the wind from the 21st. The Sun is in a more outgoing, expansive area tending to raise the spirits and you see fresh possibilities outside of the routine box. Time to make plans and launch projects. Some of you may have itchy feet, and with the vibrations increasing opportunities to escape the daily grind, this is a good time to get out and about more and try new things. Travel or distant horizons could be emphasized.
From the 8th Venus is helping to create more favourable circumstances with authority figures, like bosses, parents who will be positively emphasized as they tend to see you in a good light. There could be an ally – possibly a female – or just someone you feel close to no matter whether they are socially above you or not, who is invaluable to your success or who facilitates an ambition. You yourself could be the one who takes a firm but friendly stand and enables another to achieve their goals.
Saturn, also in this area, is challenging you to work more consistently and routinely at speaking, writing, media, education, short distance travel. You should be developing communication and people skills – perhaps integrating a new knowledge or dealing more with deadlines or steadily growing your data-base. Maybe you are developing your people, writing or speaking skills or being more creative with your self-expression through art. Communications equipment or vehicles might pose problems at times. Any of the before-mentioned areas may be key to your success over the long-term. It’s also likely that you’ll be learning that often the ‘truth’ is no more than a ‘perception’ or a judgment which is time-bound and therefore finite. In other words it has an expiry date which changes with age and experience.
Librans born 23rd-27th September or with 0-4 degree rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Until next August, Jupiter will help you grow and learn through new associations and friendships, or within a collective of others who have interests or a situation in common. New friends, colleagues or those with a shared outlook will expand your mind and your world over this phase. Equally you could be the enabler, teacher, guide connected to a key group of others.
Librans born 5th-9th October or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Uranus: Librans born 10th-13th October or with 17-20 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Pluto: Librans born 7th-13th October or with 14-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
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What today looks like:
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl,'s new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.
I just wanted to say this is so similar to my findings for Libra in October. You are an inspiration to me Diana 🙂
Here is my report for Libra and love in 2014. I would love to hear your feedback.
Imelda x