Gemini Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Gemini Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st the Solar energies could manifest as a pull towards things going on behind the scenes or in your private life – perhaps to do with the past or perhaps it’s a work in progress. You’ll probably have to put aside personal desires and become more aware of another’s needs or requirements, even when you are not in the mood. Others may not fully realize how much you are dealing with as the Sun is in a karmic house during this phase. But this is no time to cling to ego, as, if you do, you may feel let down.
Mercury is in your sign putting you more in the stream of information exchange and mixing with others. A time to put those people skills to work as you outline intentions or ideas more clearly and accurately to others. There may be more paperwork or other things to get your head around and mental processes may be accelerated. Communications equipment, vehicles, travel or transport might also be on your mind. At times there may be so much coming at you that you feel a bit scattered so engineer quiet spaces for yourself whenever you can.
Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks from the 19th may block the flow so you may have to be more patient as you cultivate contacts or get better prepared before you proceed with your plans.
Until the 8th planet of love, material success and physical balance, Venus, is in your sign supporting a gregarious, sociable mood. Meeting the world with more ease and enthusiasm after the previous phase which was less certain and more introspective. Close relationships get a boost with more opportunities to mix and mingle successfully or connect with those important to you. With Venus here you will tend to come across as more welcoming and attractive – good news for business as well as your personal life. On the other hand, you could be feeling somewhat self-indulgent and inclined to treat yourself to activities, or purchases which boost morale or are a valuable asset. It’s not all easy-peasy with Venus, which also rules money and other material resources like possessions and property, and you’ll need to work to balance things, so just make sure that the flow of abundance is not flowing more from you than to you – unless that is your choice. Overall this is a good time to put yourself out there and work the energy to your advantage in whichever manner is most beneficial.
Until the 12thMars is in a more inward and private area suggesting things could be busier behind the scenes or in a separate bubble with others. This is a dynamic energy and so you may be putting yourself out for something bigger than you are. But that’s alright for this is a karmic house which is about selflessness.
This Mars transit will encourage a more self-reflective mood where you will be mulling things over whilst in the midst of other activities. Mars here can dip the vitality and you may be feeling somewhat downbeat and talk yourself out of something which could ultimately be good.
This Mars transit will also stimulate the unconscious and your imagination as well as your ability to manifest what you want and shape things from backstage. You may feel happier if you take more time out for yourself to nurture or heal and it’s advisable to work alone whenever you can. Emotions and some frustrations may be nearer the surface and knee jerk reactions are more likely so this is something you may catch yourself doing. Those who take this onboard may just avoid falling down those old emotional holes in the road.
Because your energies are turned inwards, you are more easily affected by outside influences and can get sucked into other people’s stuff, their moods and opinions, so just be more self-protective at this time. Pay attention to dreams, visions, omens and coincidences. Mars here will also underpin practices like yoga, meditation, clairvoyance or healing, or indeed anything which takes you out of yourself which helps you sustain the energy and enthusiasm you need to be of service where necessary.
From the 8th Venus is in an area concerning money, property, possessions and other basic stuff. Overall, it means you can do okay in financial negotiations as your people skills will tend to improve. Buying/selling/renting/leasing tends to go in your favour and applying for funding or investments made under this transit can prove beneficial as long as you are sensible and don’t take a wild risk. In general, Venus tends to ease things materially and can open the path between money or other goodies and you but, just make sure the traffic isn’t travelling more away from you than towards you – unless this is your choice.
From the 12th Mars in your sign, which means the need for you to be decisive and to take action is has been increasing. It also brings more hustle and bustle around you. More stamina may be needed but vitality tends to improve and, whether you like it or not, the goals and objectives are more obvious. Definitely the time to get the ball rolling on things – or just keep up! As Mars is about initiating things, whether you choose it or not, this is a time to be more dynamic and physically active and get on with what needs doing either out of choice or necessity. Some of you will get plunged into situations which demand assertiveness, leadership or just get you working harder.
Even though Mars tends to boost vitality, be aware that Mars can run you ragged and use up your time or sap your energy, so take the trouble to engineer enough down time for yourself. The advice is to be smart and customize things to suit you better and pace yourself so you will have the reserves you need to tackle life, balancing your efforts with enough R&R. Overall, this is your opportunity to get with whatever program you need to improve things for yourself personally. Mars does not like hanging around and so you should not procrastinate once you have thought something through, but impatience and overstretching your energies are Mars’ weaker side so just watch your step as you go forward and you can be successful.
From the 21st is a powerful time for you with the Sun in your sign. A good time for taking stock and reviewing the dance of life over the past year. In general, the way should be clearer to improve things for yourself personally and definitely to be more ‘self‘ centred, doing whatever is most supportive of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Also to give more time and energy to aims and ambitions close to your heart and feel the empowerment that brings.
The long Saturn cycle will be more challenging and ultimately constructive for your sign and may manifest as you having to work harder at balancing your point of view with that of an opposite number. At times you will be keenly aware of falling short of their standards and must aim at improvement. At other’s you will feel very frustrated by another’s demands or behaviour which you feel inhibits your own or clashes with your will. Compromise, collaboration or cultivating certain relationships will have to be done gradually and will probably be harder work as you are learning to overcome your own prejudices or historical expectations, but this may be a make or break aspect for certain relationships. If it is ‘making’ the relationship then you will step into more commitment and responsibility towards another. Some of you will wish to formalize a relationship at this stage. If it is a break-up then give thanks for what you have learned and try to move on without bearing any grudges.
Geminians born 21st-25th May or with 0-4 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Jupiterian expansiveness will tend to support a more outgoing, upbeat, positive frame of mind until next August. You may be on a learning curve developing yourself though education, speaking, writing or other forms of creative expression. There could be more exchanges which are positive, revealing or there are more comings and goings to and from a locality. New concepts, jargons and connections will be carved into your mental landscape between now and August.
Geminians born 2nd-5th June or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
During the long transit of Neptune through your career area remember to respect and honour your own goals in life and integrate the practice of higher service as often as you are able and in whatever supportive ways you can.
It is more likely that you become more the facilitator for others to lean upon and, in order to enable them, you may sacrifice your own style or expectation, but, as long as you have separated the needy from the greedy, and maintained strong boundaries for yourself, this more service-orientated way of working will be rewarding. This transit favours imaginative art, good causes, healing and spirituality.
Geminians born 29th May-7th June or with 8-11 degrees rising will feel the energy the most this month.
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What today looks like:
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl,'s new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.
I think that the are going to have a big impact in the coming months don’t you?
Imelda x