Taurus Horsocope for May 2015 and Today

Diana's Monthly Taurus Forecast for May 2015
Until the 21st is a powerful time for you with the Sun in your sign. A good time for taking stock and reviewing the dance of life over the past year. In general, the way should be clearer to improve things for yourself personally and definitely to be more ‘self‘ centred, doing whatever is most supportive of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Also to give more time and energy to aims and ambitions close to your heart and feel the empowerment that brings.
Until the 8th Venus is in an area concerning money, property, possessions and other basic stuff. Overall, it means you can do okay in financial negotiations as your people skills will tend to improve. Buying/selling/renting/leasing tends to go in your favour and applying for funding or investments made under this transit can prove beneficial as long as you are sensible and don’t take a wild risk. In general, Venus tends to ease things materially and can open the path between money or other goodies and you but, just make sure the traffic isn’t travelling more away from you than towards you – unless this is your choice.
Conversations tend to have a more practical slant. Discussions may revolve around material matters, or basic physical needs and you may be looking into how to improve things and get it all working in a satisfactory way. Thinking will revolve around essential needs and gathering information about whatever would be best for yourself or others in practical ways. Plans may focus upon useful resources or practical ways of achieving this or that result. Buying/selling, renting/leasing may also be on your mind at this time. And stuff! What is of most value to you and how can you use your natural abilities more.
Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks from the 19th so due to delays, it may take more time to work through the practical details. You will have more time to streamline things or put a back-up plan in place.
Until the 12th Mars in your sign, means the need for you to be decisive and to take action is has been increasing. It also brings more hustle and bustle around you. More stamina may be needed but vitality tends to improve and, whether you like it or not, the goals and objectives are more obvious. Definitely the time to get the ball rolling on things – or just keep up! As Mars is about initiating things, whether you choose it or not, this is a time to be more dynamic and physically active and get on with what needs doing either out of choice or necessity. Some of you will get plunged into situations which demand assertiveness, leadership or just get you working harder.
Even though Mars tends to boost vitality, be aware that Mars can run you ragged and use up your time or sap your energy, so take the trouble to engineer enough down time for yourself. The advice is to be smart and customize things to suit you better and pace yourself so you will have the reserves you need to tackle life, balancing your efforts with enough R&R. Overall, this is your opportunity to get with whatever program you need to improve things for yourself personally. Mars does not like hanging around and so you should not procrastinate once you have thought something through, but impatience and overstretching your energies are Mars’ weaker side so just watch your step as you go forward and you can be successful.
From the 8th Venus will be in a very sociable sector of your solar chart. She can help you to be articulate in your expression and tends to deliver environments or daily encounters which are more appealing or entertaining, even exotic. Some of you could be in exchanges with others who appreciate your self-expression or there may be more interesting daily encounters or more access to the arts. Media is favoured as is anything artistic. This transit could bring warm, supportive relations with siblings or soul brothers and sisters. You also can do better when buying/selling/promoting etc and if you want to settle a feud or negotiate for something, then you can be very persuasive.
From the 12th Mars is demanding you put more effort and decisiveness into getting organized in a physical or security-orientated sense. The piggy-bank, possessions or any other bit of territory may need a more motivated and decisive approach. And that may mean a more dynamic application of talents and skills. You could be striving to get your hands on certain things or places, but watch your step related to basic material security, money, property or possessions as Mars can be demanding, impulsive or too hasty at times. Your physical strength may be stretched or there may be tensions as you try to work through what needs to be done in a physical/material/financial sense. You may be more actively engaged in diet or health matters – your own or someone else’s.
From the 21st finances, goods, property or anything which affects your material security or physical wellbeing is likely to have your attention. So key themes are centred around ‘stuff’ – yours (or theirs), and perhaps protecting it, moving it, ditching it or acquiring more. Also seeing how to improve things on a practical, physical, material level which may improve wellbeing – yours or another’s.
Saturn will be in your 8th house until next June. The 8th house carries the energy of the snake which sloughs off its old skin revealing the glittering colours of the young skin beneath. So this is a gradual gear-change time which involves clearing the decks to make space for new growth. This may revolve around property, finances, relationships or your own bad habits. You’ll become more aware over this time frame of who/what you can really trust and in the process, you may have to let go of a previous perspective, relationship, possession, expectation, so that life can be reborn within you. Sometimes ditching or modifying prior arrangements in favour of those which are financially, emotionally or physically more comfortable can happen but it will be gradual and you may still have to live within the parameters of the previous set-up for a while. Or maybe there’s a removal of a relationship, financial set-up, support system or lifestyle and you feel this as a lack. Either way you will slowly be transitioning into a fresh perspective and turning over a new leaf.
Taureans born 20th-24th April or with 0-4 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
Jupiter has begun his new cycle in your home area highlighting expansion related to your place on the map, neighbourhood, a space inside or outside. Also this transit helps settle you emotionally and can create a sense of belonging and feeling more inwardly balanced. Outwardly, family and community relationships should improve or you extend or make additions to your base of operations. If you feel cramped or restless where you are located, then, in general, it’s a good time for adding to the existing space, getting access to somewhere you prefer which you learn from, or relocating altogether.
Taureans born 2nd-7th May or with 12-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period.
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This horoscope was written by Athie the Owl, DianaGarland.com's new robotic astrologer. She's programmed to automatically generate your daily horoscope, based on the positions of the faster moving planets. Athie is still only young, so please bare with any teething problems. You can help her improve by reporting problems here.
Remember, daily horoscopes should only be taken lightly, and if you want to read Diana's more detailed monthly prediction, you can click here. If you'd like a one-on-one reading from her, click here.
I think you are wonderfully intelligent .