Video Archives
WATCH: March 2015 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of March 2015, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| March 1, 2015
WATCH: 2015 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of April 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| December 16, 2014
WATCH: October 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of October 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| September 18, 2014
WATCH: April 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of April 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| March 16, 2014
WATCH: Astrology And Christianity
Are Astrology And Christianity Compatible? #Dianaquestion

| February 25, 2014
WATCH: Indigo Children
Do kids born with the current configuration of Neptune and Uranus have the features of "Indigo Children"? #DianaQuestions

| February 25, 2014
WATCH: No Retrogrades?
What If You Have No Retrograde Planets In Your Natal Chart? Today's #DianaQuestons

| February 21, 2014
WATCH: Southern Hemisphere
Is Astrology Different In The Southern Hemisphere? Today's #DianaQuestions

| February 20, 2014
WATCH: Astrocartography
Can Astrology Create A Map Of Personal Power Places? Watch this #DianaQuestions to find out.

| February 19, 2014
WATCH: UFO Contact In Chart
Do Some People Have Natal Chart Aspects That Indicate UFO Contact? Watch this #DianaQuestion To Find Out

| February 19, 2014
WATCH: Fame in your chart
Today's #DianaQuestions: Can you tell if a person will be famous from their birthday chart?

| February 15, 2014
WATCH: March 2014 Horoscopes
Watch this overview for the month of March 2014, and check the horoscope for your own sign.

| February 14, 2014
WATCH: Horoscopes Overrated?
In this #DianaQuestions Diana talks about how people might place too much value in Sun Sign horoscopes.

| February 13, 2014
WATCH: New Moon Chart 2014
The new Moon chart is taken based on the first new moon of the year. Find out what it means, and what it means this year.

| February 12, 2014
WATCH: Hollande Ménage à Trois
The French presidential love-scandal presents an excellent opportunity to study how the position of Venus in different natal charts effects relationships.

| February 11, 2014
WATCH: My ET Encounter
This is the story of the time I met an ET, which many people requested to hear since I mentioned it at the end of a previous video.

| February 10, 2014
WATCH: Mercury And Neptune
This particular Mercury Retrograde is a little more significant than others, since it aligns with Neptune in Pisces. This feature lasts about a week.

| February 8, 2014
WATCH: Ketu and Divorce
This #DianaQuestion deals with the astrological point Ketu, and it's effects on relationships. Diana also talks about the effect of Ketu in general.

| January 17, 2014
WATCH: Two UFO Sightings
LIsten to these two different stories of UFO sightings, and what they mean to me.

| December 22, 2013
WATCH: Libra Rising
If the sign Libra was coming over the eastern horizon when you were born that means you have a Libra ascendant.

| December 20, 2013
WATCH: Financial Astrology
What should one look for in a natal chart to best assess and aid with personal finances? Watch this #DianaQuestion to find out.

| December 19, 2013
WATCH: Virgo Rising
If you have Virgo rising when you were born, that means you've got a Virgo Ascendant. Virgo is a mutable, very versatile Earth sign.

| December 19, 2013
WATCH: Taurus Rising
The persona of Taurus on the Ascendant has the relaxed in-drawing, almost reserved quality about it. Taurus is Earth, but it's sensuous Earth.

| December 19, 2013
WATCH: Scorpio Rising
If the sign Scorpio was coming up over the Eastern horizon when you were born, that means you have a Scorpio Ascendant.

| December 19, 2013