Category Archives: Articles
WATCH: Hollande Ménage à Trois
The French presidential love-scandal presents an excellent opportunity to study how the position of Venus in different natal charts effects relationships.

| February 11, 2014
Mercury Retrograde 2014
Find out when Mercury goes Retrograde in 2014, and what it might be mean for you, and the world in which you live. Check out our countdown timer.

| January 3, 2014
Horses Petition
I love animals, and I have been privileged to have had their presence in my life since I was a little girl.
| November 5, 2013
Comet Pan-STARRS (a.k.a. Comet C/2011 L4) is expected to be visible to the naked eye when it is near perihelion around March 10 2013.

| March 7, 2013
WATCH: Idanna
I'd like to introduce Idanna who is a gifted psychic and counsellor rolled into one.
| February 14, 2013
The Winter Solstice 2012
On the winter Solstice 21/12/2012 the Moon will be in Aries, the Sun will be conjunct Juno and in a wide conjunction with Pluto.
| November 24, 2012
WATCH: Sun Signs
Along with the Moon and Rising signs, the Sun is one of the major points in assessing a natives characteristics and birth.
| November 19, 2012
WATCH: Moon Signs
The position of the sun sign is not the only important factor in a birth chart. Along with the rising sign, the Moon sign is very significant.
| November 19, 2012
WATCH: Rising Signs
Many people know what there sun sign is, but along with the position of the moon, the position of the eastern horizon at birth can be just as important.
| November 19, 2012
Early Virgo and Neptune
Early Virgo's are receiving a hard, opposing aspect from Neptune which can mean confusion, lack of clarity surrounding someone.
| November 7, 2012
WATCH: Romney Natal Chart
Mitt Romney has the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Scorpio - both watery, emotionally driven signs. The Asc is Gemini and the MC (career point) is Aquarius.
| November 4, 2012
WATCH: Uranus: The Dorothy Planet
You may or may not know that Uranus, the Dorothy planet of sudden whirlwinds, change and disruption is in a years-long slow aspect with Pluto.
| September 27, 2012
WATCH: Jupiter-Venus Conjunction 2012 For Each Sign
Jupiter and Venus are incredibly close to one and other this month. Find out how this is significant.
| March 14, 2012
WATCH: New Moon February/March 2012
What's up with the New Moon in March and February? Click here to find out.
| January 27, 2012